Associate Professor, Technical University of Denmark
Dr. W. E. Svendsen completed her master degree in experimental physics with honors in 1993 from the University College Dublin, within atomic spectroscopy. She received her doctorate in atomic physics studying the properties of solid deuterium by laser ablation and sputtering in 1996 from Copenhagen University, Denmark. Thereafter she accepted a postdoctoral position at the Max Planck Institute for Plasma physics, Garching, Germany. She returned to Denmark in 1998 and was appointed Associate Professor at Copenhagen University in 1999. Since 2001 she has been involved with applied research and her current research focus is on understanding the physical properties of biological material to optimize the use of micro and nanotechnology in the biomedical field. In 2006 she established her own research group Nano Bio Integrated Systems (NaBIS). Winnie has more than 70 publications in international journals. She has received several grants and awards (EOLAS award & Marie Curie stipend for excellent research, National research grants and European grants (FP 5, 6 & 7). She was also the co-founder of company XeHe Hypol (APS).